Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder

Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder

Armon Adibi

Armon Adibi was born the eldest of two boys on November 2, 1983 in Dallas, TX. He grew up in Arlington being raised by his parents, Beverly and Ali Adibi. He attended Arlington High School. Growing up, Armon was very athletic but incredibly thin. He participated in soccer, basketball and tennis. He excelled at his favorite sport, soccer, playing throughout high school. Soccer also afforded him to travel and play against teams in Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. It was soccer that spiked Armon's interest in weight lifting. At the age of sixteen, Armon's soccer class began lifting weights to increase the players' muscles. Armon felt a bit intimidated seeing some of his teammates lift seventy-five pounds.

However, given his innate drive and competitiveness, he began regularly lifting and training. Diet and exercise became more than a means to improve his game, and he eventually quit playing soccer and focused solely on weight lifting.

By the time Armon was eighteen he was ready to compete at an amazing 235 pounds (he had been only 110 pounds when he started high school). He competed in the Lee Priest Classic and won.

The high and overall satisfaction of winning his first bodybuilder competition secured Armon's love and dedication to bodybuilding.

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Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder

Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder

Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder Armon Adibi Top National Competitive Bodybuilder